Project Diary & Organisation- FMP Year 2



Key problems – 

  • Weather – While filming Red Riding Hood we had some really heavy rain which made it difficult to keep ourselves and equipment dry and working. We got around this with the use of plastic bags, umbrellas, hot juice and party rings.
  • Equipment Shortage – Due to the limited amount of equipment it been difficult to book Kit out. We managed to cope however by organizing and trading things between ourselves and making sure Satt knew what I had at all times.
  • Busy Schedule – My actress has a very busy lifestyle and does a lot so it was tricky to find days where we were both free to film. We worked around this by keeping a constant line of communication open
  • Disagreements – Unfortunately this project wasn’t without drama. Mine and anothers idea had similar elements to them and that wasn’t taken very well by him. I managed to avoid too much trouble by just distancing myself from him and concentrating on my own work without worrying what was being said behind my back.

Rough cut feedback 7/6/17

In order to generate effective and valuable feedback we had an initial screening for the rough cut of our films.

key points

  • Cinderella colour/exposure – The exposure of this scene is very bright and doesn’t match the rest of the film. I hadn’t done any colour correction yet but this has highlighted the importance of matching the shots not only within the scenes but between them as well and will be something that I aim to improve.
  • Don’t fade to black (Red) – At the start of Red Riding Hood I cut to black before she started running. This broke the flow of the film and it was suggested that this would be a good place for the title to make it feel more natural. I think this is a great point and will be making adjustments to it.
  • Trim Tower (cheesy) – The shot of cinderella in the tower was held on for quite long and is slightly cheesy. The feedback suggested that I trim the shot as much as possible and do the same for any other cheesy moments. This is something that I will do, as well as tighten the scene as a whole.


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