Presentation & Release – FMP Year 2

Intended Audience

The way in which I have chosen to present my film means that it will cater more to a specific kind of audience.

  • Fairy tales – The format in which I have explored the themes of this film is within fairy tales. I feel that this will allow my film to be very widely relatable due to the fact that fairy tales themselves have reached a large audience within a variety of communities from working to upper class people. Although I think because of the nostalgia and child like stories present within the film it will appeal better to a younger audience.
  • Visual thinkers – The way in which I am producing my film relies very heavily on the visuals that I use to establish character and story. This means that my film will be better understood and accepted by people that tend to think in this way. The idea of striking imagery also crosses over into music video territory and so would hopefully draw in and appeal to more people that tend to watch those kinds of films.
  • Fantasy fans – Due to the visuals and general style of the film I definitely think it will appeal more to people that enjoy fantasy or fiction films as it comfortably fits into that category. The other side of this means that people who tend to watch more drama or documentary based films might not enjoy or relate to the film as much.
  • Empathetic people – One of the main themes for my film explores how people can relate to and empathise with characters and so will likely appeal to a particular type of person, someone who is empathetic themselves to some degree.
  • Readers – The way i’m presenting my film uses books as a medium to transition through and explore the themes and stories in my film, because of this I feel that people who enjoy reading regularly, exploring different worlds and characters, will feel more drawn to my film.

Film screening –

In order to showcase our films to a diverse audience we have been instructed to organise a film screening for both years.

The screening will take place on the 20th of June in The Box from 7pm to 9pm and we are each allowed to invite a maximum of 3 people each.

As a class we have split job roles out evenly in order to coordinate together effectively. My Job during the screening will be seating people as they arrive.


Izzy has taken it upon herself to put together a program of what’s happening with film titles and screenshots. She asked us all to provide her with with something fitting that description.


Here is the one I prepared for my film:


We are also required to present our own films with a small introduction.


Hello, my names Tucker and my film is about how people can empathise with and relate to characters, I used traditional fairy tales to illustrate this. Its a fiction film and a little bit abstract but I really enjoyed working on it and I hope you like it


  • Hello + Name
  • Film Name: Thrice Upon A Time
  • Empathise with and relate to characters
  • Focus on editing and Visuals
  • Enjoy

Online release – 

Another way for me to showcase and distribute my film is with the use of social media.

I will be uploading my Film to Vimeo and Youtube as well as linking to it from my Twitter and Facebook pages. This allows my film to be seen by a much wider audience hopefully generating exposure for my work. I have created an online presence for my film related work and portfolio in a previous project and so will be making use of that here. I also Posted updates to my Twitter and instagram accounts during the project.

Vimeo credit section:

Screen Shot 2017-06-22 at 20.51.28

Facebook Page:

Screen Shot 2017-06-22 at 20.50.00

Film Festivals –

During the final stages of my film I was very careful only to use music/sound effects that were completely free and legal to use so long as I gave the appropriate credit. This means that I can publish and share my film anywhere as well as have the opportunity to enter it into a selection of film festivals.

Film Screening Photos – 



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1 Response to Presentation & Release – FMP Year 2

  1. Dom Bush says:

    Feedback as of 03/06/17

    The project proposal you have written is very good Matty. It communicates your concept very well and is well constructed. There are still a couple of grammar errors in there so it is worth having a final check through before it is complete. Remember you must add the bibliography also.
    You have written great ideas generation and development posts that consider and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of a range of ideas, these are backed up with visual and theoretical research. Well done.
    Some fantastic research coming through, though I think there could be a little more of it to sure up the highest grade possible in this area. I also haven’t seen any tests performed (just one basic one) or analysis, this must be catered for on your blog if you hope to hit you predicted grade of distinction. Some areas of the blog work are very strong Matty , but some areas seem to be a little neglected. I suspect this is because you are invested in filming at the moment but you must look at the areas mentioned above as soon as possible.

    Very much looking forward to seeing your rough cut on the 7th June as discussed.


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