Pre Production & Planning – FMP Year 2

Final Story Structure –


After progressing through the idea development stage This is the final structure I have decided upon for my story.


  • Atmos & wolf Sounds
  • Red is walking through the forest
  • She hears a howl and turns panicked
  • Cuts to her running frantically through the forest
  • She pauses and looks around before continuing her sprint
  • She tumbles and falls
  • Cuts to next scene


  • Follows the progression of her dance routine and music expressing her character
  • Cuts abruptly to next scene


  • Sat with pumpkin deep in thought
  • Moves to in front of the tower
  • places pumpkin down and walks in a circle around it
  • The pumpkin begins to grow
  • Amazed and delighted she climbs the tower to see
  • Upon hearing a strange noise she turns away
  • Cuts to next scene


  • Kettle boils
  • She puts the book down
  • She makes a brew
  • Sits down and continues to read the book
  • Cuts to credits

Alongside the Testing and development stage I wrote out quick rough shots lists for various scenes until I was at a place where I felt my shots linked in well and were clearly defined.

Rough lists – 


Once I’d been through the process of testing certain shots or styles out and generated drafts of shot lists I was at a point where I could compile my final shot lists together.

Final shot Lists – 

Red – 


  • Walking Slow & turn – Tracking front & behind
  • Wide slider – down hill
  • Tripod tracking feet down hill
  • Slider trees in foreground left – right
  • Close shots of cloak brushing past
  • ‘Followed’ Turn shot with tree
  • Rope shot right to left
  • Close low feet pans
  • Low mid jump
  • Foot splash close
  • POV low wolf
  • Side slider fall whip right
  • Crawling mid whp right
  • Low close hand fall

Snow White –


Main cameras:

  • Front slider extended wide/mid
  • Stage left slider extended wide/mid
  • Stage right shoulder rig close/mid

Other/specific shots:

  • Close hands feet faces
  • Apple bite close
  • Location shots
  • Apple on floor slow push in
  • Face close up (not dancing)
  • Whip pan to and from face
  • Whip pan to and from wide

Cinderella – 


  • Wide sat with pumpkin (whip start)
  • Wide pick up pumpkin & walk (static)
  • Close face sat down (whip start) slider
  • Track eyes to pumpkin and pick up


  • Portrait tracking walk forward look down
  • Low angle pumpkin place
  • wide walk in circle
  • Pov inside circle
  • Wide safety


  • Stop motion spin
  • Hitchcock pumpkin
  • Slide close feet step back
  • Low – high pov grow (shadow board)


  • Wide safety stair climb
  • Close tracking feet
  • Close tracking hand banister
  • Mid tracking stairs


  • Low close & wide reach window
  • Wide pumpkin tower


  • Turn back from window (whip end)

Kitchen – 


  • Whip pan – kettle boil – close & mid
  • Close kettle click
  • Close water meter
  • Close water pour & stir
  • Close place book on counter
  • Close pick up mug and book


  • Wide sat down & read
  • Close sit down & read
  • Close mug on table
  • OTS page turn (or extreme close)
  • Location shots
  • Close face reading

Final Shot Lists for shooting

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Locations – 

Priory (Ulverston)

This was one of the first locations I visited. I thought it would be ideal because there is a great diversity in the types of forest areas catering for both red and snow as well as the building itself which would be perfect for cinderella. Also having most of the filming in one location would make logistics a lot easier. I emailed the Priory to try and get permission but once I had correspondence it was apparent that this wasn’t an option as there was a festival taking place when I would need to film.


Holker Hall (Ulverston)

Another place I looked at was Holker Hall. I thought that this would be a suitable location for the Cinderella scene because of the manor house type feel. I contacted them also to try and get permission but unfortunately I didn’t get a reply.


Springies (Ulverston)

I thought this would be a useable location for the snow white scene. I wouldn’t need permission to film there as it is owned by the woodland trust. I quite like the type of trees there and think they would be reflective of snow white but was disappointed by the lack of flowers or greenery. Therefore this will become a backup location.


Sea wood (Ulverston)

Another location I thought would be suitable for Snow White is Sea wood. This is also a public wood so I wouldn’t need permission also it is fairly secluded so I wouldn’t run into too many people while trying to film. I thought it was much better than Springies as it had the same style but had much more colour present from flowers and undergrowth, as well as being in a good position to catch the light through the trees.

Kendal Castle 

Due to the fact that I wanted some sort of structure to help establish Cinderella’s scene I thought this might be a good choice. I wouldn’t need to get permission to film there and logistically it will be great because my actress is from kendal. However I will potentially run into passers by that could make filming tricky. I quite like the idea of the castle as to me it pays homage to key aspects of her story but that fact that it’s in disrepair I think add something else, as though that life is behind her now.

Great Knott Wood (Newby Bridge)

This location I thought would be perfect for Red Riding Hood. It has exactly the kind of trees I was looking for, really tall and ominous, which I think reflects the themes from this scene really well. It is also owned by the WoodLand Trust meaning that I don’t require filming permission while also being very secluded. There are draw backs however, Logistically it could be difficult as it’s difficult to give directions to so I would need to pick everybody up and drop them off. Also there is a bit of a trek up to the location from the carpark which could be problematic if I have a lot of kit with me.

Georgie’s Kitchen (Kendal)

Another location I need for my film is a kitchen with a homely atmosphere. Thankfully my actress was kind enough to offer her house which would be ideal logistically. Also her house has a very homely almost rustic feel to it. Her feeling comfortable in this location will also help as that will hopefully come out in her performance, where this scene has those kinds of feelings attached to it.

Final Locations –  

The final Locations I have chosen for my Film are:

Red Riding Hood – Great Knott Wood

Snow White – Sea Wood

Cinderella – Kendal Castle

Kitchen – Georgies House

Equipment lists –

Red Riding Hood:

  • C100
  • Tripod
  • Slider
  • Slider head
  • Steadicam
  • 100D
  • Shoulder rig
  • Umbrellas
  • Rope & accessories

Snow White:

  • C100
  • Tripod
  • Slider
  • Slider head
  • bounce board
  • Shoulder rig


  • C100
  • Tripod
  • Slider
  • Slider head
  • Bounce board
  • Shadow board
  • Zoom Lense
  • Shoulder rig


  • 100D
  • Tripod
  • Bounce board

I will also need to check that I have charged batteries, formatted SD cards, cleaned lenses, checked camera settings etc

Crew –

In order to keep things simple I will be using quite a small crew as I will be able to do most of it myself but will need a hand with specific things.

Georgie (Actress) – I will only be using one actress for this film to play all the characters as I decided. I have decided to use Georgie for this film firstly because she is a really talented actress but also because I get on well with her making it easy to work together. Also she is quite an accomplished dancer and says that she will be able to choreograph/improvise a dance routine in the style that I have shown her. In addition she has control over the costume cupboard making is easy for her to source particular items and leaving me to just get the more stylized items.

Kit (Crew Member) – I have worked with Kit on a number of occasions and we have always worked extremely well together. The main reason I have asked Kit as well is because he has also had experience with dance so will be able to assist Georgie with choreography. He also has good technical knowledge of equipment and cameras so will be able to help me solve any problems should they arise. Finally he is very reliable and will turn up if he says he will.

Costume –

The costumes within this film will be very important in establishing characters. That is why I have decided to keep as close to the original colour schemes and outfits as possible. In order to source these items the vast majority Georgie will own or be able to borrow, the others I can source from amazon and charity shops.

Red Riding Hood:

I managed to find a red cloak and basket fairly cheaply which I think have worked really well in establishing the character. I left Georgie to find a white top and black pants to go with it. I felt that simple was best here.

Snow White:

Georgie managed to get hold of the skirt from the drama cupboard which I think is effective. I only needed to get hold of a blue top and head band. The Jacket I found in a charity shop and the headband from amazon,


Originally I was going to go for the ‘rags’ version of Cinderella. However Georgie had a nice simple blue dress which I think has worked really well as a budget version of her extravagant dress. I was left to source a headband to complete the look. There is an obvious difference between hair colour but I felt that was fine as the film is about how anyone can empathise and relate to the characters.


For this Scene I just asked her to wear anything comfortable such as a warm jumper to try and reflate the emotions at this stage of the film. Again For this I felt that simple was best.

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Risk Assessments –


  • Equipment Issues – While filming there are a number of things that could go wrong in relation to equipment usage such as: dead batteries, full SDs, dirty lenses or missing pieces. This would impact the filming process by slowing us down and potentially having to cancel. In order to avoid this I will need to check all equipment prior to each shoot and keep on my person a checklist of everything we have and need.
  • Time limit – On a couple of the shoot days time will be limited due to other commitments from myself or my crew this means that we will have to work quickly which could easily make things rushed. To make this go as smoothly as possible I have fully prepared as much as possible for the shoots and briefed my actress and crew ready for it.
  • Improvised Dance – The Snow White scene is comprised of a dance routine that will be choreographed/ improvised by georgie. Obviously because it is improvised it could take a while to perfect and arive at something that we’re both happy with. To make this easier with have a lot of time on this particular shoot and I have asked kit to accompany us as like georgie he is also a talented dancer and can assist her.
  • Windy Pumpkin – Due to kendal castle being on top of a hill it has the likelihood to be quite windy during filming meaning that getting the pumpkin to stay in place particularly for forced perspective could be extremely difficult. If this proves to be the case my backup plan is to use the other method I tested of adding it in after. This will help save time and relieve stress as this is one of the days we are limited on.

Red – There are a couple of points that will really only apply to the Red Riding Hood shoot day

  • Slippery, Cold, Wet – On this particular day the forecast isn’t great and because of the location it could become very muddy/slippy. Also being stood out in the rain for too long and people might start to feel wet and miserable. To try and make this go as well as possible i’ve instructed everyone to wear decent shoes and bring a good jacket. I will be supplying umbrellas, warm drinks and biscuits in an effort to keep everyone happy.
  • Damp Equipment – Because the forecast to so terrible it will also be an effort to keep gear dry. A lot of what i’m taking can be stored in bags and cases as they are either waterproof or easy to dry. The camera in particular however will be more difficult. In order to keep it dry I will be placing the body and most of the lense into a plastic bag while keeping it under the umbrellas the entire time.


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