Drama film – Unit 11

As part of Unit 11 we were set a task of collaborating with the drama students in order to produce a short film.

We were given a choice of songs/poems with which to draw inspiration from and create our film. The poem explores the idea of ‘broken’ and ‘real’ people. We interrupted this as the difference between how people present themselves as opposed to who they actually are.

We decided to focus on a family dinner setting and use visuals as the main element to our film in order to reflect the themes of the poem.

Working with actors wasn’t without challenges but was overall a very enjoyable experience. It was sometimes difficult to explain certain technical aspects of film and why we perhaps can’t do certain things. We managed to combat this by being as open as we could but also asking them to trust us on some things, such as how it would all be edited together. All the actors however were really enthusiastic which made working with them a lot easier.

Overall i’m really pleased with how it turned out. I think the film works as an idea and fits the brief. We definitely went for a more abstract approach and so we were able to try out things that we hadn’t done before. For example this project was the first time I had used Adobe Audition and have started to get an idea for how it can be used. Also Kit provided me with some fantastic VFX of ‘cracking’ hands and faces giving me the opportunity to play a little with elements of stop motion.

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