Viewing Platforms – Unit 12

In recent years viewing platforms have changed drastically due to the development of the internet. Originally music videos were very difficult to distribute and were often only available as a bonus feature on hard copy albums. This meant that the size of their audience was based entirely on the artists following and trying to branch out to other target audiences was extremely difficult.

The arrival of online viewing platforms has greatly changed how music videos are perceived and viewed. A music video can now be treated as its own stand alone product and achieve much more recognition than they used to. Due to platforms such as Youtube, Vimeo and Vevo it has never been easier to push your film out to your audience. This means that an audience is no longer limited by the existing following and can be promoted much more effectively. The fact that the majority of these video hosting sites are either free to use or involve a small cost also opens up the market for new unsigned artists and independent filmmakers, making the industry much more accessible.

With the development of these sites it is now possible not only to release your work to a much larger audience but also to share your portfolio with a greater number of people. Whether you’re freelance or work for a production house it is never a bad thing to have your work and experience seen by as many industry practitioners as possible in order to gain additional work or employment.


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