Importance of Imagination

Being able to quickly and effectively generate ideas within film making is crucial because of this it is extremely important to exercise your imagination. This can be done in a variety of ways first of which being idea generation. Sitting down with a list of word prompts or briefs is an excellent way to begin generating and developing ideas. Personally I also find that reading is another useful ‘exercise’ as it requires you to picture scenes and particular ‘shots’ as you digest the story.

I think that imagination is key to being able to enjoy your work as without it you would never have fresh ideas to work with and drive inspiration from, keeping you motivated and invested in what you do.

In preparation for our FMP we had a small idea generation session where we discussed and reflected on some of our ideas. It is very important to do this as purely generating ideas on your own makes it very easy to fall into tunnel vision, limiting the potential of what you are creating. Looking back and discussing with others also allows you to highlight potential problems you might not of considered and to get an outside view of your idea and how it might be perceived.

Rough FMP ideas    

experimental film focusing on using visuals to illustrate anxiety, possibly based around little miss muffet nursery rhyme story, the origin links to fear

Short music type video featuring abstract images relating to flow, such as water, rivers, drops, motion

Boom Dang promotional video/documentary

documentary exploring public transport and how this attaches people to towns and places

Nursery Rhyme drama shorts, jack and jill, ring of roses, Humpty Dumpty, Hansel and Gretel

Home Twitchers music video, mainly visual relating to attachment of home

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