Future Goals

Through SWOT analysis I found I was stronger with editing and sound, I also really enjoy these areas so it would be good to base my specialism on editing. I found that I was weaker with fonts however, this is an aspect of editing and so would be really good to improve upon. I also found that I was weaker in areas such as camera operation and so for this project I am considering finding copyright free stock footage to edit with, cutting out the need for filming on this project. It is still a skill I plan to keep coming back to and developing however. Time keeping is going to be a major point for this project, being able to balance the edit with pre-production and research will be key.

Over the course of the next few years there are a number of areas I would like to improve and develop. The first being a stronger and more diverse editing ability, so that I am confident editing across a variety of genres and styles. This will be more tailored towards fiction films as that is an area I am greatly interested in. I also want to develop my ability with cinematography as that is an area I haven’t really touched on yet and is a key part to creating strong visual images and a sense of style. Improving these skills will greatly help me create more striking visuals.

Camera operation is a skill I feel that i’m reasonable at but still need great improvement. As I found in my SWOT it takes me a little while to find my frame and angle, this is partly down to me being picky but will definitely improve and become quicker with practice. Speed and efficiency is something that will be very important for every film that I make. Actual camera movement comes in to this as well as I want to be able to accommodate different types of filming styles to cater for various genres.

Over this time I would like to create more fiction short stories across a range of genres in order to help me develop these skill but also build up as much of a portfolio as I can.

   For my long term goals I would like to continue to develop skills such as editing and cinematography in order to get a well rounded and versatile skill set. I would also like to have come out the other side of university with a degree and a large amount of practical experience, whether that be with projects at uni or work experience. In general however I would like to take my work in a more experimental and abstract direction, perhaps specializing in music videos and fiction films.

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