Idea Generation and Development

One idea that we had was to use a selection of different heads and torsos from characters and combine them in various orders. This idea stemmed from looking at the similarities and differences the characters had and how we could potentially use that to create themes between them.

This then developed to projecting this display onto a mannequin with the intent to make the installation more visually interesting, as comic artwork is a very visual medium.


This proved to be quite difficult and risky to do as we were unsure exactly how the projection mapping software would work. we knew vaguely that we would have to use measurements from the mannequin in order to properly frame our shots, for this we needed to physically have the mannequin available however. We got in touch with various retailers such as, TopShop, Evan’s Bicycles and New Look to try and borrow one. Unfortunately however it became apparent that people were unable to loan them due to the limited number they had available as well as the cost.

This idea had so much unsurety as well as being very technically difficult so we decided to pursue an alternate idea.

Another Idea we had revolved around a technique called parallax that we had recently become aware of. This involved using photoshop to separate the foreground and background of an image, then using premiere to move them independently of one another creating the feeling of depth.

we would select a number of images from mark millar’s work and provide a new layer of visual interest to the artwork. Hopefully making the display more eye catching and appealing through the use of movement.

We then thought that rather than having a random collection of images one after another we would look for themes we could draw between the images for example the sparks of an electric chair to the flash of a camera. This way we thought the transitions would look a lot smoother and feel more natural.

This was the idea we went with mainly I think because it felt much safer considering the amount of time we had but also because I think that the whole idea of parallax and how it could be used was a really interesting concept that we wanted to explore. The reason this was much safer was that it could be set to a standard frame size and projected anywhere making it much more versatile and easy to control.

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