FMP – Pre Production – StoryBoard

In order to help me keep on track while filming I composed a number of storyboards to use as a reference. This also allows me to start to get an idea of how my shots will tie together and how the film will flow.

I decided to organize my storyboards by scene/location so that I can quickly refer to them without having to go through each document to find where I am, this should help speed up the filming process.

When drawing up the storyboards I included shots that were either necessary or I thought would be cool to try and get, while being in the mind set that I would experiment on the day and get as much footage as possible.


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1 Response to FMP – Pre Production – StoryBoard

  1. kendalcollegefilm says:

    Again, Matthew, this needs much more context or annotation to explain your process—not the actual story, but how the process of creating storyboards impacts on your development. Did the process of visualising your ideas change the story or shot list at all?


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