FMP – Pre Production – Locations


I thought this location would be good firstly because it is quite local meaning that it would be easy for everyone to get there. As for the location itself I thought that the dreamy atmosphere created by the flowers would be perfect for making my film more abstract and that it would be a good place to use in  order to build the relationship between to characters. It is also just a short walk from another location which would help with the logistical side.

Bardsea Beach:

This location is right next to seawood so again is very handy in terms of getting there. I thought that this place would also work in building a relationship between characters and provide a different aesthetic in order to create contrast between my shots and scenes.

Old man – Coniston:

I wasn’t too sure about this location as I wasn’t as familiar with it as the other ones but thought I would check it out anyway. Unfortunately though it is quite a bit further than the other locations so would be more difficult to get everyone there. Also I didn’t feel that it was particularly visually pleasing and would suit the style that I wanted. It is quite similar to the beach in some aspects, with it being very open and isolated, however I didn’t think that it worked as well. In the end I decided that I wouldn’t use this location mainly because of how far it was and the fact that I thought the beach would do a better job. Using them both would of been illogical because of how similar they are and I was concerned that it would create too much repetition.

Coniston water:

I really liked this location, I thought that it looked great and would work really well. I planned to use this for my final scenes in the film where one character passes away, I thought that this would be appropriate as I could work on the idea of life and death, having something awful happen in a very beautiful and vibrant place I hoped would create contrast while also symbolically showing their mind set and the fact that they are at peace before moving on.

Although we would have to drive to this location it isn’t too far and I feel that it would be worth the trip.


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1 Response to FMP – Pre Production – Locations

  1. kendalcollegefilm says:

    You’ve given an overview of the locations here Matthew, but I’d prefer to see you interrogating each place in a little more detail—you discuss each location’s ambience, but you could expand this significantly by annotating individual images with your reflections on potential shots.


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