Work Skills

Task 1 – Learning Plan

Set – 28th September 2015 –
To have passed all units on my course and have a good understanding of all the techniques used throughout the year so that I can apply them to my own work. Due – June 26th 2016
Set – 28th September 2015 –
To have developed key film making and group skills to be able to work effectively and consistently as a team to write and produce films. Also to have applied these techniques to my own films and projects outside of college. Due – 4th January 2016


Task 2 – SWOT


As a filmmaker I feel that one of my strengths is in editing, I’ve found that choosing shots and where to cut comes fairly natural to me. This skill has improved over my time on the course meaning i’m increasingly strong in this area, this is evident from feedback from my tutor.

I also feel that another strength lies in analyzing films, particularly in relation to mis en scene. This skill has developed as i’ve looked at various techniques used by filmmakers for my projects.

Although it has greatly improved during my time at Kendal I feel that a weakness of mine is my camera operation. I’ve learnt a lot about both the technical and practical side of the camera such as, exposure settings and movement/shot types but still feel that this is something I need to improve on, in particular being able to operate the camera smoothly and effectively.

Another area of weakness within my filmmaking I feel would be lighting, this is because I haven’t had a great amount of experience in this area and have only looked at the basics or what is appropriate to the shot at the time.

One of the major opportunities that kendal college has provided me with is the ability to borrow professional level equipment which I can use in both my college projects and any filming related stuff outside of college.

A threat to my career within film would be my location. Where I live is fairly isolated meaning that there aren’t nearly as many media related jobs/opportunities as there would be in for example manchester.


As an employe I feel that I am adaptable and intuitive. This means that I can respond to a number of situations I am presented with within the work place.

I also feel that I am fairly consistent with my punctuality when working and make sure that i’m on time for work as much as I can be.

One of my weaknesses as an employe would be my social skills. I can be quite a ‘shy’ person at times and sometimes find it difficult to engage in conversations with people. This can be a problem within a number of jobs, especially when interacting with customers.

Although I am quite a quick learner I am also mildly dyslexic meaning that it sometimes takes me a little longer to get to grips with things or get into a routine. This can pose a problem for me as an employe adding another weakness.

In terms of employment College offers a level of support which could be a good opportunity for me. There are people I can go and talk to to help me with finding a job and they also offer the occasional career day.

One of the threats that I am faced with as an employee and a young person in the area i live in is the limited types of jobs available. Unless you want to work in tourism, retail or the ship yard then there are very few options for employment.


Although I may be strong in particular areas of film/employment it is still important to try and develop these skills as this will firstly allow me to solidify these abilities making me more confident and adaptable and secondly allow me to raise the level that I am preforming at to a more professional standard.

It is important to try and develop your weaknesses because it will provide you with more relevant and useable skills with which you can be become an all round better filmmaker/employe

Also by improving on your weaker areas it allows you to support and improve upon your strengths developing your skill set as a whole.

(9/2.1, 2.2, 2.3)

Task 3 – Mindmaps/lists

  • Create a mind-map or list of all the skills that you think you will require to be a successful filmmaker. Skills are things you can learn and do such as test a new camera system, learn a new editing technique, refine your scriptwriting or lighting skills, etc..
  • Why are these skills important for your career/learning? What would happen if you did not have them)? Give a minimum of two reasons.
  • Then create a mind-map or list of all the characteristics that you think you will require to be a successful filmmaker. Qualities are things like being motivated, reliable, non-judgmental, inclusive, etc..
  • Why are these qualities important for your career/learning? Give a minimum of two reasons.
  • Where can you find information about the sorts of skills and qualities that will be useful in terms of your learning and progression to employment or higher education? Where can you find information about UCAS? Where can you find information about employment? Who can help you with this?

(9/3.1, 3.2, 4.1)


These skills are important because they are fundamental to working effectively within the film industry, having at least a basic understanding of the skills involved in filmmaking is extremely helpful in understanding how the process works as a whole so you can play your part in the team. Also it would be extremely difficult to work in the film industry if you don’t have the understanding and skills required to do your job. If you didn’t possess any of these skills it would be very difficult to find a job within the industry or develop as a filmmaker.

13262238_10210290896055927_977079028_o    These characteristics are not only vital to working in the film industry but also the vast majority if not all jobs. Without these attributes it would be hard to keep up with the level of work that goes into filmmaking and also how much it can change from day to day. Also these characteristics are very important in communicating with fellow employees or people you have employed.


Task 4 – Goals and Targets

Identify two long-term goals. One should be about your career and one should be about your skills or education. For each long term goal, describe at least two short-term SMART targets. (Remember: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-based!)

When you have discussed these goals and targets with your tutor, enter them on to ProMonitor. (9/4.1, 4.2, 4.3)


Task 5 – Evaluation

At the end of the year you should evaluate all the goals and targets you set at college this year and recorded on ProMonitor. You should do this by answering all the following questions:

  • Why is self-assessment important in terms of your career and skills development? (In other words why are doing SWOTs and setting targets and reviewing your short term targets and longer term goals useful)?
  • Why is it particularly important to assess your personal strengths and your personalweaknesses? (For each, give two reasons and explain.)
  • Why is it also important to assess your personal skills and qualities? Give two reasons and explain.
  • What is a SMART target?
  • Describe the ways you used to track your targets and goals during the course of the year? Did you find this used useful – why/why not? What ways will you track your goals and targets when you leave College?
  • What goals targets did you achieve? Was it easy to achieve them?   Did you achieve them in full? Give two reasons why you think you managed to achieve them.
  • To what extent/how did your short term targets help you work towards your long term goals?
  • Were there any goals or targets you and/or your tutor set this year that you did not manage to fully achieve? Was this because they were unrealistic, did you run out of time or did something unexpected happen or was there another reason? Give two reasons why you did not achieve, or fully achieve all the targets you set (if appropriate).

(9/1.1, 1.2, 4.1, 4.2, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3)


Task 6 – Records

At the end of the year, print off all the goals and targets you have recorded on ProMonitor and WordPress. (9/4.5, 4.6)


Task 7 – How to apply for a job

There are numerous different ways to apply for a job (e.g. applying in person, sending Curriculum Vitae also known as a CV, filling in an on-line application and filling in a paper-based application).

  • Describe 4 different methods of applying for a job, give details about when and why each method might be appropriate. (5/1.1)


Task 8 – Job adverts

Explain how to find two different film-related job advertisements. Copy them into this section of your blog. One might be advertised on the internet, one might be advertised in a newspaper or a relevant trade magazine. Write a few notes by each advert to explain where you found the job and how someone could apply for this job. (5/1.2)


Task 9 – CV pt.1

Mintcake Post

Look at the mock job advertisement in the link above, then create and upload:

  1. A list of documents you may be asked for or need when you apply for a job (e.g. driving licence or passport number, copies of GCSE/A level results, other qualifications/music /acting/ grades). State where your keep these documents.
  2. A draft CV that would be suitable for this job.
  3. A draft covering letter to go with your CV.

Check your drafts carefully and then show me or Dom both the draft letter and CV. Using our feedback, make any necessary amendments. Keep both drafts, save them as PDFs in Microsoft Word, and upload them to this blog post. (5/2.1, 2.2, 2.3)


Task 10 – CV pt.2

Evaluate and review your job application (CV and covering letter) after you have been given feedback. You will need to consider the following:

  • What were the strengths of my application? Was it suitable for its intended purpose?
  • What could have been better? What (if anything) do I need to add to my CV or change in the future?
  • Did I include all the relevant information to begin with?
  • What have I learned as a result of doing this task?
  • What will I do differently in the future to ensure I maximise my chances of being offered an interview/job? (5/2.4)


..and that’s all she wrote, folks. Nice one.

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