FMP – Music Videos Research

For a section of my research I thought it would be a good idea to look at a number of music videos from different artists and directors in order to draw influence and inspiration from them.

Bastille – ‘Pompeii’

The last section of this song is very similar to what I want to create for my ‘Story Strand 1 – Scenic walking’. It contains a number of Wides, Mids and tracking shots which help to break up the scene and make it more appealing to watch.

The framing used for a lot of these shots I think would be appropriate for my film.

In these shots the subject is very small in the frame, I could use this framing in my film to illustrate how vulnerable my character is, showing that he’s alone and ‘broken’. However a lot of these shots are handheld which I feel would contradict the theme of my film having ‘shaky’ shots like in this video would promote the feeling of energy and excitement, which isn’t what I want for this particular story strand.

This film also makes use of some high angle shots of the subject, these kind of shots would also be appropriate for my film, again promoting the idea of vulnerability and isolation.    Screen Shot 2016-04-21 at 10.40.21 AM

Using tracking shots like the one above I think would help to add visual interest and involve the audience. To achieve the shots I want I will need to make use of the tripod and steady cam. Using steady shots with theses kind of framings would help support the theme and emotion I am going for while also maybe subtly suggesting that he is grounded and stuck in the feelings that he’s experiencing.

I feel that in order to convey the theme of loneliness and isolation in my film, while still keeping interest between shots, I need to combine my ‘Scenic walking scene’ with lots of wide and high angle shots but also a number of close and tracking shots to break up the scene.



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1 Response to FMP – Music Videos Research

  1. kendalcollegefilm says:

    More good research and analysis here Matthew—you seem to blast through this stuff in your sleep. I’m particularly pleased to see you reference the Broken theme!


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