FMP – Project Proposal

Rational (approx. 100 words)

During my time at Kendal College I have made and explored film techniques ranging from action sequences, tension development and foley work. I have also created two music videos in and outside college, these have greatly influenced me in my ideas for an FMP; I feel that these style of films provide a much broader creative possibility. What I love about them is the ability to use both music and visuals to convey a common theme or emotion. Throughout my time here I have developed my camera work and analysis of mis en scene, I now want to push this further to influence how my story develops.

Project Concept (approx. 200 words)

For my FMP I would like to produce a music video for the track ‘Hood – Perfume genius’. This song explores the idea of a ‘broken’ relationship and it’s this idea of separation. I want to use in my story.

The rough outline for my story is a crumbling relationship ending in the death of partner 2 in an accident. I plan to combine shots of key moments to illustrate their relationship such as, nights in together, picnics and arguments ect, with shots of partner 1 walking in beautiful locations to the sight of partner 2’s death, I plan to have these two story strands running side by side, converging at the end. However these ideas will develop as I undergo my research.

The main challenge I will face with this is how to keep the two story strands separate without confusing the audience or losing their interest. To combat this I plan to research a number of films and music videos that explore multiple story strands to see what techniques they use and how I can take inspiration from them. I am going to combine this with research of director ‘Floria Sigismondi’ because I find her work very visually powerful and would like her style to influence what I produce.

Evaluation (approx. 50 words)

Throughout the project I plan to reflect on my work in the form of multiple written evaluations  accompanied by images and screenshots. I will look at how my research ties in with my work and what influences I have taken from it, considering how my work supports the brief and documenting any changes or development.

Project Action Plan and Timetable

  1. 11/04/16 – write project proposal, initial ideas and research
  2. 18/04/16 -Focused research and test shots of the style I want, evaluate test shots
  3. 25/04/16 – Location scout and risk assessment of them, props scout, evaluate locations
  4. 02/05/16 – Planning documents, storyboard,  shot lists, prop and kit assembly
  5. 09/05/16 – Test shots and evaluate
  6. 16/05/16 – Main shoot
  7. 23/05/16 – Evaluate main shoot, record rushes
  8. 30/05/16 – Rough cut, feedback from Tutor/Peers, Evaluate first edit
  9. 06/06/16 – Final cut and evaluation
  10. Tuesday 14th June 16 –  Screening

Proposed Research Sources and Bibliography 

I am going to spend a lot of my research time on YouTube analyzing various music videos from a range of directors so I can get a feel of different styles and techniques people use, this will help me decide the look and feel of my film and hopefully give me some interesting shot ideas as I’m worried about it being too ‘Flat’.

I am also going to heavily research director ‘Floria Sigismondi’ as I think her work is fantastic and very visually powerful; getting inspiration from her and experimenting with her style I think would be a great way to add more visual interest to my shots. Sigismondi has done a large number of music videos for different artists providing an abundance of material with which to look at; also by having music videos from various genres it means I can look at how her style works across all her films rather than limited to one type.

Aside from theses I will also be looking at a number of different resources such as books, interviews, TV, magazines and short/feature films. I will add the source links to my bibliography as I go along and post all my research to my blog.

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1 Response to FMP – Project Proposal

  1. kendalcollegefilm says:

    Terrific stuff, Matthew, hitting the right balance in every section to produce a rounded project proposal. I’m particularly pleased that you’ve flagged your concerns and challenges, and also addressed how you’ll tackle them along the way. I’m really interested in this project. I’d particularly like to see how you’ll bring in your outstanding work on Spielberg to developing your shooting and editing techniques. Good!


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