Multi Cam stage plan

Floor Plan


Camera 1 – Wide, Band and Audience

Camera 2 – Close/Mid, Lead Guitar

Camera 3 – Mid/OTS, Drums

Camera 4 – Close, Singer

Camera 5 – Mid, Bass and Rhythm Guitar

GoPro 1 – Close, keyboard

GoPro 2 – Close clip on, Lead Guitar

Camera 1+3 should be fairly easy to do as they are both still shots meaning that the focus won’t need adjusting while filming. Camera 1 though will need a larger depth of field so that it can capture both the wide of the band and some of the audience.

Camera 2+4 will be a little more difficult as the players are likely to move about on stage, this means that the camera person will have to track them and adjust the focus while filming.

Camera 5 will be the most difficult as they will need to prioritize between two people which them will film at a given moment in the song, also adjusting the focus for each. This is the camera that I would worry about the most and in an ideal world I would have another camera set up.

GoPros –  The first GoPro, I’d like to have set up on the end of the keyboard, this will capture it from a side view and focus on what they’re playing. I think it would be better on the high end of the keyboard as this is where the most prominent notes are likely to be played. The Second GoPro I would like to have mounted on the head stock of the lead guitar, this should provide an interesting shot and help to break up the shot types. It also means I will have two main shots to choose from when the playing becomes more intricate.



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2 Responses to Multi Cam stage plan

  1. kendalcollegefilm says:

    This is good, Matthew—you’re the first student I’ve seen who has identified specific roles/shot lists for each camera, and that’s a crucial stage in the process to prevent duplicating shots and wasting angles. Well done! Discussion about lights and colours would be interesting—especially given how strongly you feel about this!


  2. Pingback: Multi Camera research | Matthew Tucker

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