A Ball Rolling Off A Table


Present a ball rolling off a table as an action sequence. As we are using more advanced and complicated cameras we don’t need to worry about creating  narrative, instead we are focusing on the techniques used to create excitement, such as shot types and cutting techniques.

Shot List

.pan table leg to ball

.wide establishing of ball on the table

.close up side of ball (ball moves)

.high angle

.close up other side

.jump cuts of ball rolling towards camera

.extreme close up ball rolling towards

.tracking close up from side

.edge table close up

.ball rolling away close to mid

.edge table close up

.tracking shot close up

.teetering close up

.low wide

.mid ball falls off, from behind

.slow mo fall from bottom table? low angle

.cam same place ball bounce up

Story Board

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For this Film I think a story board is of massive importance, because we’re focusing on the shots we’re using more than the story it allows us to easily visualize the shots and communicate them so the shooting is as smooth as possible.


We’ve decided on using the tables in the cafe because they are long enough for us to get the shots we want quite easily and also we shouldn’t run into too many problems with people being there when we’re trying to film as it’s fairly quiet most of the day.

Screen Test

We’ve did a quick screen test to try out some of our more complicated shots and check the logistics of filming them. We discovered that it’s difficult to adjust the focus so that what we want in focus is consistently in focus. To combat this we need to have as much practice of the shots as we can so that we can get them smooth, another option would be adjusting the aperture so that we have a larger depth of field giving us more wiggle room for the focus. The down side to this is that the background could become too much in focus.

Another problem we discovered is that we can’t get as close to the ball as we want without it going out of focus. To try and solve this we decided we would use a bigger ball so that we can fill the screen without having to get as close to it.

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1 Response to A Ball Rolling Off A Table

  1. kendalcollegefilm says:

    This is why we do screentests—good! You’ve taken some strong lessons from this practice run—I look forward to seeing the finished film. I do recommend working with a smaller aperture (higher number f/stop) to gain some depth-of-field—you may need to do a couple of dummy runs to make sure you’re happy with the balance of exposure and depth.


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