Monthly Archives: October 2015

A Ball Rolling Off A Table – Evaluation

What went well In this film I’ve tried to match the shots and length with the music, for example I had some quick cuts of the ball rolling past during the drum fills. I think this worked well as it … Continue reading

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A Ball Rolling Off A Table

Brief Present a ball rolling off a table as an action sequence. As we are using more advanced and complicated cameras we don’t need to worry about creating  narrative, instead we are focusing on the techniques used to create excitement, … Continue reading

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Exposure Triangle

Exposure: Balancing camera settings to allow the desired amount of light to hit the sensor. ISO: This is the sensitivity to light, the higher the iso the more sensitive it is and the                   … Continue reading

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Action Sequence Techniques

Builds up audio with music and sound effects which can be used for tension and release, silence can also be used for the same effect. There is some kind of conflict involved which is shown by lots of quick cutting … Continue reading

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Action Sequence research

This scene makes use of a lot of fast cuts, this is to help create energy and keep the momentum. Slow motion is used when Tom Cruise is doing something really cool, for example rolling to the side and shooting … Continue reading

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Step Up

So far we have been using handy cams to capture our films. These worked really well at first because they are very quick and easy to use, allowing us to concentrate more on the story without worrying too much about … Continue reading

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Toilet Terror Evaluation

What went well I think that the footsteps shot worked really well, its a sort of pov shot from under the cubicle and so shows that the character is looking around for what he’s heard. It also works quite well … Continue reading

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Toilet Terror 2nd Shot List

We’ve had another look at our shot list to try and get it to flow as much as possible from shot to shot. Also we’ve changed some of our shots because of the problems with being unable to turn the … Continue reading

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